Friday, October 23, 2020

Can you tie your shoes with one hand?

Yes I can. :) I taught myself when I was 4 years old. I was/am determined.     


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Since Hand Camp life has been pretty different. In the sense of feeling "normal" so to speak. If you known me you know what I mean. I came back with a different view on life and self. You see I found my happy place my second home. A place where I can just be me and not have to deal with people staring or just feeling uncomfortable around me. For once in my life I felt like I belonged if you know what I mean. Now I'm less bothered about the glares and stares I still get when I'm out and about. I'm more open when asked questions. I would answer them quickly and hope they would move on before this experience. But now I like answering their questions. It fascinates me now in a different way. I guess I have been so caught up in feeling judged and pretty much judging myself that I didn't grasp how uniquely made I really am. Just being able to take a weekend away from life its self was an eye opener for me. When I came back I shared stuff with some of the people in my life that I would have never shared if i never had went to this camp. My Family Pal and her family had a lot to do with it too. I love that little one so much. I am truly grateful to have been paired with them. Her parents rock! They were extremely helpful in the sense of me seeing life through their eyes and how they view things. Thats when I truly started seeing myself in a different way.

This picture was one of the last of us taken together. I Love Love Love it because It shows the confidence and strength I was lacking before I found this place. Now I don't try to pick the other side anymore.